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Ake Hernandez
Ake Hernandez

Corona Sdk Enterprise Crack

Corona SDK Enterprise: A Powerful and Flexible Framework for Cross-Platform Development

Corona SDK is a free, open source, and easy-to-use framework for creating 2D games and apps for mobile devices, desktop systems, and HTML5. It uses Lua, a lightweight and fast scripting language, and provides over 1000 built-in APIs and a vast selection of plugins for various features and services. Corona SDK has been used by thousands of developers to create popular titles such as Angry Birds, Roblox, Don't Starve, and many more.

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But what if you need more control and flexibility over your app development? What if you want to access native libraries or APIs that are not supported by Corona SDK or its plugins? What if you want to integrate your app with existing native code or projects? This is where Corona SDK Enterprise comes in.

What is Corona SDK Enterprise?

Corona SDK Enterprise is a premium version of Corona SDK that allows you to extend the core functionality of the framework with native code. With Corona SDK Enterprise, you can use C/C++, Objective-C, Java, or any other native language to call any native library or API, or to create your own custom plugins. You can also use Corona Native extensions, which are pre-built native modules that provide access to features such as Firebase, AdMob, Facebook, Google Play Games Services, and more.

Corona SDK Enterprise also lets you integrate your Corona app with existing native projects or frameworks. For example, you can embed a Corona view into a native app, or use a native view within a Corona app. You can also use native UI elements such as navigation bars, tab bars, or web views alongside your Corona content. This way, you can leverage the best of both worlds: the simplicity and speed of Lua for your app logic and graphics, and the power and flexibility of native code for your app features and services.

What are the benefits of Corona SDK Enterprise?

By using Corona SDK Enterprise, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • More features and functionality: You can access any native library or API that is not available in Corona SDK or its plugins. For example, you can use ARKit, CoreML, TensorFlow Lite, or any other advanced technology that requires native code. You can also create your own custom plugins to extend the framework with any feature or service you need.

  • More control and customization: You can fine-tune your app performance and behavior by using native code. For example, you can optimize your app memory usage, battery consumption, network traffic, or security. You can also customize your app appearance and user interface by using native UI elements or frameworks.

  • More compatibility and integration: You can integrate your Corona app with existing native projects or frameworks. For example, you can use Corona as a module within a larger native app, or use a native framework within a Corona app. You can also use native tools and libraries that are compatible with your target platforms.

How to get started with Corona SDK Enterprise?

To get started with Corona SDK Enterprise, you need to have the following:

  • A valid license for Corona SDK Enterprise. You can purchase one from the [Corona Labs website], or request a free trial from the [Corona Labs support].

  • A basic knowledge of Lua and the Corona SDK APIs. You can learn more from the [Corona Labs documentation] and the [Corona Labs tutorials].

  • A basic knowledge of C/C++, Objective-C, Java, or any other native language that you want to use. You can learn more from the [official documentation] of your target platforms.

  • A development environment that supports both Lua and native code. For example, you can use Visual Studio Code with the [Solar2d-companion] extension for Windows and Linux development, or Xcode with the [Solar2D plugin] for macOS and iOS development.

Once you have everything ready, you can follow these steps to create your first Corona SDK Enterprise app:

  • Create a new project using the Corona SDK Enterprise template. You can find the template in the Corona SDK Enterprise installation folder, or download it from the [Corona Labs GitHub repository].

  • Open the project in your development environment and edit the main.lua file. This is where you write your Lua code for your app logic and graphics.

  • Add any native code or libraries that you want to use in your app. You can write your native code in the src folder, or link to any external native libraries in the libs folder.

  • Build and run your app on your target platforms. You can use the Corona Simulator to test your app on a virtual device, or use the Live Build feature to test your app on a real device over your local network.

For more details and examples, you can refer to the [Corona SDK Enterprise guide] and the [Corona SDK Enterprise samples].


Corona SDK Enterprise is a powerful and flexible framework for cross-platform development. It allows you to extend the core functionality of Corona SDK with native code, and to integrate your Corona app with existing native projects or frameworks. With Corona SDK Enterprise, you can create amazing apps and games that leverage the best of both worlds: the simplicity and speed of Lua, and the power and flexibility of native code.


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